Horses will usually stay away from toxic plants, but if a horses pasture is lacking good quality grasses then a horse may start eating other plants so they feel full. If a horse eats a toxic plant they may have an immediate reaction or they may just have mild discomfort. Some plants toxic to horses are:
Black Locust: which is found in Norther Texas and south-central and eastern US. The effects are colic, diarrhea, dilated pupils, altered heartbeat, depression, or death.
Bracken Fern: this is found all over the world. the effects are neurological problems which is due to repeated consumption over a few weeks.
Boxwood: which is very toxic to horses. it is found in Northern America and Western Canada. Effects are colic, there may be blood in their manure, or respiratory failure.
Buttercup: which is very well known. there flower is the toxic part. it is found all over the world. there may be some diarrhea and it may cause severe blindness.
Castor Bean: it is found in most of Mexico and in central and southern US. Only a few beans can kill a horse, the seeds can cause colic, diarrhea, sweating, or their heart may be racing.
Chokecherry: they are only poisonous when the leaves are wilted. They are found throughout North America except in some parts in southern in the US. the effects are death.
Alsike Clover: Found all over the the US. the effects are photo sensitivity, chronic poisoning causes slobbers, depression, colic, or liver damage.
Dogbane: is usually never eaten. It is found in the US. Effects can be staggering, bloat, convulsions, elevated pulse, but usually if they eat it they will die.
Foxglove: which is very toxic but is rarely eaten. found in most of the US and Canada. horses may have colic, bloody manure, frequent urination, a loss of appetite, abdominal pain, or an irregular heartbeat.
Horsetail: this is more toxic to horses than to other animals, this is found all over the world. It depletes vitamin B which degenerates peripheral nerves.
Jimsonweed: if a horse eats this the poison acts very fast. this is found throughout the US. effects are depression, excessive thirst, diarrhea, convulsions, or respiratory paralysis.
Red Maple: which is found in eastern US and in Canada. the horse may become weak, be depressed, dark urine, renal hepatic failure, abortion, and sometimes death.
St. John's Wort: found all over the US and all over Canada. There may be some photo sensitivity, fever increase in pulse, diarrhea, and sensitivity to cold water.
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